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Depression – All you need to know

Depression affects about 2.3 crores people worldwide every year. It affects all age groups and is seen more in young adults and old age. It is a feeling of dejection, guilt, let down, and loss of interest in life. Its caused by excessive emotion leaving you meaningless and worthless to move on in life. We as humans are bound to have such feelings in our normal course of life. Normally people tend to get rid of these feelings and overcome this emotional state which does not last long. Some are incapable of overcoming depression and need help in the form of extensive counseling and treatment with antidepressants. It can cause real harm to self and others leading to suicidal tendencies.


It can be caused by many emotional circumstances in life. Childhood bullying, loss of loved one, fear of insecurity in old age, fear from the grave disease. Genetical factors are found to play a role in identifying people susceptible to depression. In Young adults, the cause for depression includes unsuccessful careers, love failures, increased workplace pressure, sexual harassment, economic and social responsibilities. A major cause seen in young children is a victim of bullying and unable to make mature decisions to combat stress. In the modern era old age people getting depression has increased. With many youngsters prefer living alone and migrating to different parts of the world, elderly parents are left to live alone at their home with caretakers and senior citizen home leading to insecurity and severe depression. Postpartum depression or post-delivery depression is very common in mothers due to lack of adequate sleep and hormonal imbalance.

Signs of Depression

depression signsDepression can be silent, where the dejected person refuses to speak to others and become introverted, not sharing one’s feelings. The other part of depression where the person has multiple manic episodes leading to regular inappropriate and agitated behavior. Some of the commonest feelings among depressed individuals are feeling of hopelessness, dissatisfaction with everything in life. Excessive guilt, self-hate, lack of decision making, irritation at everything are signs of feeling depressed. Disinterest at work, lack of appetite, too tired to do any work, weight loss or weight gain, lack of libido, and lack of interest in sex are common signs. Lack of sleep and feeling of excessive sleepiness are also signs of depression, anxiety, and stress.


Depression is a mental condition needing constant positive thought and relaxation of mind and body. Treating depression includes conditioning the mind using meditation and focus attention on the good thing life has to offer. Deviation of negative thoughts and problem-solving techniques can be a great form of treatment. A counselor or a psychologist can help you cope up with a stressful problem and help in finding solutions.

Reading / Yoga / Exercises

 depressionReading positive self-help books enriches people with knowledge of dealing with simple problems in day to day life. Discussing your problem with close friends and family can improve your self-confidence in approaching problems and finding a solution without getting depressed and dejected. Yoga and exercise are an excellent workout in managing depression. They help relieve stress and frees your mind and body of anxiety. A clear mind can help you think better and can make your problems easier to solve.

Healthy Diet for Depression

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is the key to good health. Green leafy veggies and lean meat with more proteins and vitamins help in nourishing the body and mind. Avoid caffeinated beverages, alcohol, smoking, and drugs which worsens depression and it also harms the wellbeing of the body. Adequate hydration is important, water, tender coconut water, and refreshing green tea can help in combating depression.


Very few people need to take antidepressants for a shorter period and need constant monitoring by your psychiatrist. These medications help you combat depression and keep you cheerful and to avoid unpleasant thoughts. If the person has thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, cardiac or other illnesses it has to be treated in addition to depression as such disease itself can also be the primary cause.

Life has ups and downs, we all have to undergo different kinds of circumstances at various stages. It’s a beautiful journey to enjoy the good and the bad. It is a curable disease, no one is born depressed and there is no need to die depressed. Let us fight it together.

To know more on Depression and health tips – Get in touch with Dr. V. Ashwin Karuppan M.B.B.S; M.D (Gen Med), PG in Diabetology (Boston University, USA), PG in Cardiology (Royal College of Physicians)

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Tambaram Medical Center

Consultant General Physician and Diabetologist

Mon-Sat 4.00 PM to 8.00 PM

+91 9940151515


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