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8 Steps to get rid of knee problem in old age

Here are some simple steps to get rid of knee problem :

Massage Therapy 

It helps in reducing mild pain in the knee. Take some quantity of olive or other massage oil, and apply it to your knee area and massage it for a while. You will feel the difference. Repeat it at least twice a day.

With regular massageseniors can experience an improved quality of life, increased energy levels and feel younger and healthier overall. Massage therapy offers numerous benefits to the entire body. It helps ease joint and muscle pain, and can even reduce the increased levels of stress that tend to come with aging.


8 steps to get rid of knee problem in old age

Inactivity is the root cause of knee pain in most of the cases. As the workload decreases with age, elder people tend to stop their physical movement. To balance it, one must make it a routine to go for morning/evening walks to keep a check on your body’s energy and keep it fit. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous; a moderate amount of activity can bring you all the benefits of exercise and it also reduces the negative effects of stress. You can choose to walk at a steady pace for a longer period of time, or you can have shorter bursts of more strenuous walking, either quickly or up hills or stairs.


Grapes are rich in antioxidant compounds that can fight harmful free radicals that are responsible for joint destruction in osteoarthritis. These organic compounds are called polyphenols and have been proven time and again to help with knee joint pain among its other beneficial effects. In one particular study conducted at the Texas women’s University, it was found that women who consumed grape extract regularly had less knee pain and better mobility compared those who did not.


Add calcium in your daily food. Milk is a rich source of calcium so you can add milk products to your daily intake. It makes your bones stronger and gets rid of knee pain or any kind of joint pain. Please find the list below

  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Corn Flakes with milk
  • Orange juice
  • Soybeans
  • Breads
  • Grains

Cold compress

Applying cold compress is a great and simple way to get rid of pain and swelling in your knees. Just wrap ice cubes into a hand towel and compress it to the painful area of your knee for about 10 –15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day till the pain subsides.

Turmeric tea

Drinking turmeric tea is a great way to give your taste buds a little treat and mitigate arthritis pain as well.

  • All you need to do is boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of turmeric to it.
  • Now add some grated ginger and a teaspoon of honey to enhance the taste.
  • Bring it to boil and then simmer for five minutes.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and ginger help you get rid of swelling and stiffness in the joints due to arthritis. Drink this twice a day and you will notice the improvement in just a week. Regular consumption of this drink will help you reduce arthritis symptoms in the long-run.

Turmeric is known well for its healing properties. It has anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties that help in getting rid of knee pain. You can add it to various foods or milk to include it in your diet every day. Make sure you are using natural turmeric and not the adulterated ones found in the market these days.

Lose weight

If your weight more than you should at this age, you should seriously consider losing out some fat before it worsens. Obesity increases the burden on your knees and results in severe pain. The most effective way to alleviate pain in your knee joints is simply to get moving – Walkingwater aerobicscyclingswimmingyoga, and strength training all help improve the symptoms associated with arthritic knee pain and knee pain in general.

Use ‘Rice’

RICE stands for Rest, Ice application, Compression and Elevation.If you find that you are experiencing knee pain following an injury, the best way to reduce the pain is to follow this


Hope this 2 minute read on steps to get rid of knee problem was useful.

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